3/16: Peru Day 1 – Catherine Clare Hill

3/16: Peru Day 1

How fitting that as I write the date at the top of this journal entry, that it is March 16, day 1 of my mission in Pamplona, Peru….but yes, it is 3/16. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16. I know my time here and especially this piece of scripture was planned long ago for my eyes, ears, hands, feet, and heart, as we soon enter into Holy Week, leading up to the death and resurrection of Christ. I can tell you one thing…He is anything but dead here on this mountain.

“Here I am Lord, is it I Lord? I have heard You, calling in the night. I will go Lord, if you lead me. I will hold your people in my heart.”

As we began the first day here in Peru, we gathered in the chapel for prayer. That is the song we sang. This hymn brings me to immediate tears as I see the gates of heaven, opening for His people, inviting the chosen in. Tears fall because I think of my dad and I know he was the first in line on his day meeting Jesus. I am thankful to feel his presence with me at such a crucial time in my ever-growing faith.

My faith journey has changed over the past few years. One that had a firm foundation as a cradle Catholic, but one that had peaks and valleys as a young adult. The Lord has worked on our family of 6, our 20 year marriage, and me personally with abundance. It is 100% attributed to remaining obedient in my faith and giving the Holy Spirit its opportunity to move, quite literally. Moving 500+ miles away and landing in some random community in PC, becoming a new parishioner at St. Dominic in 2020 has today, landed Kennedy (16) and I in some of the most impoverished lands of South America. I have witnessed God in my Father’s most raw and simplistic form today.

Today, I climbed my first mountain. I wish it were just trekking up the emotional and spiritual mountainside. But no, this was physical and mental as well. A literal dry, dusty, steep, rocky, painfully enduring incline to reach God’s people who have very little to nothing. And just when I think I am here to serve them, they serve me.

Now, be ready to envision this picture. My initial perspective was hot temperatures, exhausting hikes to any real civilization, unclean drinking water, days of no electricity and absolutely no indoor plumbing for the people of Pamplona, rice with no protein for most meals, and what you and I would imagine sadness to be.

But this is in fact, a community of faith, hope, and love (and so much laughter). There is a playfulness and thriving sense to all who live in/on the mountainside-shanty lifestyle. I think we all need to do a better job of seeking Him from a place of humbleness, joy, and simplistic style of retreat. God is closest to those in need of Him. However, seek Him and gain all the rewards of grace and eternal life.

“Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Jesus Christ.” Philippians 4: 6-7

Yours in Christ,

Catherine Clare Hill


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