Let the Children Come – Jake Cornman

> Luke 18:16
> Jesus called the children to himself and said “let the children come to me and do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these” >
> You could call it coincidence. I will call it Divine Providence. >
> This day was a work day in Pamplona that involved back breaking labor mixing concrete for the “soccer field” which OSS really just a concrete slab with some makeshift metals posts for goals for the Neighbors to play ball on. This day was also special because we brought Jesus with us to the work site and set up a chapel in one of the neighbors homes just above the soccer field. >
> My Holy Hour was the last hour of the day right when my muscles were completely sore and the cramps were starting to hit my feet and my sides from the exhausting work. In that hour I was meditating on Luke 18:16 when Jesus says “let the children come to me”. As the end of the hour approaches we were preparing to bring Jesus down to the soccer field to hold Adoration and worship with the Neighbors. The setting was spectacular. The sun was setting behind the hill overlooking Lima. We were led in some beautiful worship music with many of the kids mingling with the missionaries as we sang. >
> Then came one of the most powerful benedictions I have ever experienced! Fr. Branson began to process with Jesus through the crowd, with particular intention of bringing Jesus to the neighbors, especially the children. My knees were crunching on the rock and sand. As I turned to follow Jesus through the crowd, I began to cry as it reminded me of a special benediction in my own life, about nine years ago at the encountering Christ retreat. Father Michael processed through the pews and brought Jesus directly to me. I was not Catholic at the time, but this became a pivotal moment in my life, increasing my desire to receive Jesus in the Eucharist, and choosing to live the Catholic faith as my own. As I reflected on this and took in the scene unfolding before me, two little girls began to walk towards me. I reach for the little ones hand, but she took my hand and placed it in her older sisters hand instead. As I open my arms, she hugged me with one of the most profound gestures of kindness and love I have ever felt. >
> That’s when the tears really started to flow! God sent this little girl to come to me and comfort me. Here I thought that I was the missionary that is supposed to bring God’s love to the people of Pamplona. How providential it was that I encountered God this day when He sent His little angel to me as I felt the depth of my father’s love through the hug of his beautiful little girl!

-Jake Cornman


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